risk assessments
Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 is the biggest overhaul
in fire safety legislation in decades.
The Order, which came into force on 1st October 2006 firmly places the
responsibility for ensuring fire does not put lives at risk with the
‘responsible person’, which in most cases will be the employer.
At the same time, it allows the enforcing authority to make sure that
the legislation is complied with and sets penalties if it is not.

Summary of the Fire Safety Order
All previous fire legislation has been repealed. Fire certificates will
be no longer issued.
Each individual company will be responsible for their own fire safety.
The employer must conduct a fire risk assessment regardless of the size
of the risk. The identified responsible person would therefore take
full corporate liability.
If five or more people are employed, this risk assessment must be documented.
Extended scope of consideration now to include property safety, fire
fighter safety and the environment around the site as well as just protecting
life. This means that allowing a building to be sacrificed is unacceptable
due to the risk to neighbouring buildings and fire fighters. The responsible
person would have a duty to protect the fire brigade.
Unlike the Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations, the Fire Safety
Order places emphasis on business continuity and containing and preventing
the spread of small fires. The effectiveness of fire extinguishers is
clearly recognised as a major provision in doing just this.
Protection is explicitly extended to all occupants and not just employees.
Visitors, contractors or passers-by also have to be considered in the
risk assessment.
Overall the legislation will be less burdensome and clearer, with the
fire brigade reinforcing the Safety Order’s requirements.
Who is responsible?
Employer with control of a workplace, failing that…
• Person with overall management of a building
• Occupier of premises
• Owner of premises (i.e. empty buildings)
• Whilst other people like landlords have some control, the primary
responsibility rest with employer
The responsible person will be held accountable. Under the Order he
will be strongly be advised to nominate a competent supplier, one that
can demonstrate it has ‘the appropriate skills and experience’. Both
or either party may be held responsible at the time of inspection or
post incident.
Whilst renewing the focus on the fire risk assessments and training
the Order will state that fire brigades can advise on but not carry
out fire risk assessments.
to client services