Events Risk
The authorities are more vigilant than ever to ensure
that hospitality businesses such as clubs, pubs and restaurants are
employing best practices to avoid any potential dangers or nuisances.
Your customers will also be keen to know that your premises are a safe
and pleasant environment. Risk assessment documentation is a statutory
requirement; without this, your business may be subject to legal proceedings.
C.N.A Risk Management will conduct a full, professional risk assessment,
producing full documentation and providing advice to help you comply
with regulations. We will also advise on fire regulations, crime reduction
and drug measures – your business will be protected, and your mind will
be set at ease.
More Police Licensing units are now asking for Risk assessments to be
carried out on all events at licensed premises. A full risk assessment
should be carried out for all events.
As an organiser of an event you have legal responsibilities to ensure
the health and safety and welfare of any employees, volunteers or contractors
involved in the event, and of the public and participants attending
the event.
All events must comply with recognised safety standards as outlined
in the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. This
legislation requires all employers and self-employed people to assess
the risks to workers and others who may be affected by their work, to
ensure a Safe System of Work (SSOW).
The event organiser's best tool for determining potential hazards connected
to their event is a risk assessment. The purpose of a risk assessment
is to identify hazards which could cause harm, assess the risks which
may arise from those hazards, and the extent of it (high/low risk),
and to decide on suitable measures to eliminate or control the risks.
Any contractors involved in the event should carry out risk assessments,
which the event organiser must obtain copies of. It is also important
to visit the site or venue to identify specific hazards. A risk assessment
for the build-up, event, and breakdown can then be carried out once
this information has been received.
Contact us today to discuss the benefits of a C.N.A Risk management
risk assessment.
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