Drug Abuse has no social barriers and is unfortunately part of our society.
If you are looking to address the impact of Drug Abuse or simply raise
awareness of the issues within your organisation, then you have come
to the right place.
Our consultants are experts in their own right, recruited from professional
backgrounds such as Police (ex 'Drug Squad Officers or Drugs Liaison
Officers), offering a wealth of 'experience' in 'Tackling and Identifying
Drug Abuse'.
Drugs and Alcohol Misuse is a serious problem in society today, The
increasingly widespread availability of alcohol and illegal drugs can
lead to experimental, recreational and dependent use, which in turn
may affect an individual's working life.

Given the seriousness of this companies need to understand the potential
impact and damage drugs and alcohol can have on their organisations,
as well as implications regarding to legislation such as the Misuse
of Drugs Act 1971 and the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974. In
order to successfully tackle these problems you need the correct training
and advice, that is down to us at C.N.A Risk Management.
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